Aplicações da pesquisa-ação na Engenharia de Produção
uma revisão bibliográfica através do Methodi Ordinatio
Pesquisa-ação, Produção, Operação, Methodi Ordinatio, EngenhariaResumo
A metodologia de pesquisa-ação tem sido amplamente adotada em diversas áreas. Essa abordagem participativa envolve os pesquisadores na aplicação de técnicas de pesquisa para definir ações que solucionem problemas organizacionais. Com as crescentes demandas de desenvolvimento industrial, as organizações precisam implementar estratégias que aumentem a rentabilidade e a produtividade. Nesses contextos desafiadores, a pesquisa-ação se destaca como uma ferramenta valiosa para promover melhorias nos processos organizacionais. Este estudo realiza uma revisão sistemática da literatura, analisando artigos da base de dados Scopus, utilizando a metodologia Methodi Ordinatio para classificar os artigos mais relevantes. O objetivo é identificar os principais resultados e os propósitos da utilização da pesquisa-ação na área de engenharia de produção. Os resultados mais relevantes mostram que a maioria dos estudos se concentra na melhoria dos processos produtivos, obtendo resultados quantitativos, como aumento da produtividade e redução de custos, bem como resultados qualitativos, incluindo melhorias na qualidade dos produtos e serviços, capacitação de pessoal e aprimoramento da cultura organizacional.
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BERTOLINI, M. et al. A scrumban board-based approach to improve material flow in engineering to order (ETO) companies: an industrial application based on action research. Production Planning and Control, “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Department, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2023.
BHAT, S. et al. Lean Six Sigma competitiveness for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME): an action research in the Indian context. TQM Journal, [s. l.], v. 33, n. 2, 2021.
BHAT, V. S.; BHAT, S.; GIJO, E. V. Simulation-based lean six sigma for Industry 4.0: an action research in the process industry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, [s. l.], v. 38, n. 5, p. 1215–1245, 2021.
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COUGHLAN, P.; COGHLAN, D. Reflecting on how action research enables theorising in operations management: a provocation to interiority. Production Planning and Control, Trinity Business School, University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2024.
DE SOUZA, J. P. E.; MUNIZ, J. Action research supported by remote collaboration tools: analysis of two operations management applications. Production, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, SP, São José dos Campos, Brazil, v. 33, 2023.
HASSAN, M. G. et al. A framework for implementing a Supplier Kanban System through an action research methodology. Benchmarking, Disaster Management Institute (DMI), School of Technology Management and Logistics, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia, v. 30, n. 5, p. 1562–1587, 2023.
KASSEM, B. et al. Lean monitoring: action research in manufacturing. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, College of Business Administration, American University in the Emirates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, v. 14, n. 6, p. 1280–1296, 2023.
LIZARRALDE-AIASTUI, A.; DE EULATE, U. A.-P.; MEDIAVILLA-GUISASOLA, M. A strategic approach for bottleneck identification in make-to-order environments: A drum-buffer-rope action research based case study. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain, v. 13, n. 1, p. 18–37, 2020.
MCNIFF, J.; WHITEHEAD, J. All you need to know about Action Research. Londres: SAGE Publications, 2006. E-book. Disponível em: https://another-roadmap.net/articles/0002/0972/mcniff-a-jack-whitehead-all-you-need-to-know-about-action-research-2006.pdf.
MELLO, C. H. P. et al. Action research in production engineering: A structure proposal for its conduction. Producao, [s. l.], v. 22, n. 1, p. 1–13, 2012.
PACHECO, D. A. de J.; JUNG, C. F.; TEN CATEN, C. S. Teoria das Restrições e Seis Sigma: Limites e possibilidades de integração para a melhoria contínua. Espacios, [s. l.], v. 34, n. 11, p. 940–956, 2013.
PAGANI, R. N.; KOVALESKI, J. L.; RESENDE, L. M. Methodi Ordinatio: a proposed methodology to select and rank relevant scientific papers encompassing the impact factor, number of citation, and year of publication. Scientometrics, [s. l.], v. 105, n. 3, p. 2109–2135, 2015.
PAN, W. et al. An action research study of quality improvement in instrument packaging procedures for the central sterile supply department. Scientific Reports, Department of Sterile Processing Nursing, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Sichuan, Chengdu, China, v. 14, n. 1, 2024.
PHILLIPS, C. J.; NIKOLOPOULOS, K. Forecast quality improvement with Action Research: A success story at PharmaCo. International Journal of Forecasting, Leeds University Business School, Leeds, United Kingdom, v. 35, n. 1, p. 129–143, 2019.
PIMENTEL, C.; MARTINS, S.; MATIAS, J. Job shop production system to a manufacturing cellular system: An action research study. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, GOVCOPP Research Unit, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, v. 32, n. 3, p. 267–286, 2019.
RAMPON NETO, J.; BARCELLOS, P. F. P. Challenges of Implementing S&OP in a Mid-sized Automotive Components Company: An Action Research Approach. Systemic Practice and Action Research, Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, University of Caxias Do Sul, Alameda João Dal Sasso, 800 - Universitário, RS, Bento Gonçalves, 95705-266, Brazil, v. 36, n. 5, p. 755–782, 2023.
RIBEIRO, M. A. S. et al. Analysis of the Implementation of the Single Minute Exchange of Die Methodology in an Agroindustry through Action Research. Machines, Institute of Integrated Engineering, Itabira Campus, Federal University of Itajuba, MG, Itabira, 35903-087, Brazil, v. 10, n. 5, 2022.
RUIZ-RUIZ, M. F.; DÍAZ-GARAY, B. H.; NORIEGA-ARANIBAR, M. T. Action research applied to the management and engineering research. A literature review for Ibero-America. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Peru, v. 27, n. 98, p. 597–618, 2022.
SHOKRI, A. Reducing the Scrap Rate in Manufacturing SMEs through Lean Six Sigma Methodology: An Action Research. IEEE Engineering Management Review, Northumbria University, Newcastle Business School, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom, v. 47, n. 3, p. 104–117, 2019.
TARQUINIO, L.; XHINDOLE, C. The institutionalisation of sustainability reporting in management practice: evidence through action research. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Department of Economic Studies, University G. d’Annunzio – Chieti, Pescara, Italy, v. 13, n. 2, p. 362–386, 2022.
TÉBAR-RUBIO, J. V; RAMÍREZ, F. J.; RUIZ-ORTEGA, M. J. Conducting Action Research to Improve Operational Efficiency in Manufacturing: The Case of a First-Tier Automotive Supplier. Systemic Practice and Action Research, MAHLE Spain, Ctra. Madrid, 15A, Cuenca, Motilla del Palancar, 16200, Spain, v. 36, n. 3, p. 427–459, 2023.
TEO, P.-C. et al. Action Research Approach: Improving the Effectiveness of Decision Making on Controlling Employee Turnover Rate in a Small Private Steel Casting Company under Capacity Limited Environment. In: , 2021, Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2021 3rd International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Climate Change. Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021. p. 1–5.
TORRE, N. M. M.; BONAMIGO, A. Action research of lean 4.0 application to the maintenance of hydraulic systems in steel industry. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Department of Production Engineering, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, Brazil, 2024.
TRIPP, D. Pesquisa-ação: uma introdução metodológica. Educação e Pesquisa, [s. l.], v. 31, n. 3, p. 443–466, 2005.
USSIVANE, A. M.; ELLWOOD, P. Using action research to organize technology transfer in complex innovation contexts. Technology Innovation Management Review, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, v. 9, n. 4, p. 17–26, 2019.
VASCONCELLOS, L. H. R.; SAMPAIO, M.; FONSECA, H. Pull Production Implementation: An Action Research Study. Revista de Administracao Contemporanea, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, Departamento de Administração da Produção e Operações, Av. 9 de Julho, n. 2029, Bela Vista, SP, São Paulo, 01313-902, Brazil, v. 26, n. 6, 2022.
VIZZON, J. S. et al. Business process redesign: An action research. Gestao e Producao, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio, Departamento de Engenharia Industrial, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, v. 27, n. 2, 2020.
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