The role of relational capital (RC) in green supply chain management (GSCM)


  • Claudia Viviane Viegas Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - PPGEPS UNISINOS
  • Caroline Rodrigues Vaz UFSC
  • Paulo Mauricio Selig UFSC
  • Gregorio Varvakis UFSC



Green Supply Chain Management. Relational Capital. Intangible Assets.


Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is an emergent issue in operations management. It is addressed to intra and inter-organizational practices adoption in order to promote sustainability in supply chains. Relational Capital (RC), also an emergent issue, plays a relevant role to resize views based solely in transactions costs and resources to a relationship view leaned on governance for information, trust and longevity in relationships, looking for positive results for all the chain’s participants. This article reviews and criticizes seminal literature on intangible assets in order to rescue RC features and link them to GSCM development. Through exploratory and descriptive methods, recent studies on RC and GSCM are identified with respect their descriptors – ways in which RC is understood and employed in GSCM; focus – goals and main use of RC; and directionality – if developments of RC in GSCM are addressed from producers to their suppliers and respective clients, or if suppliers and clients also address results of RC. It is concluded that, usually, there is unidirectionality in the application of such efforts: improvement initiatives go from the producer to the supplier or client development, but processes through which environmental practices of suppliers and clients influence the performance of GSCM are poor explored.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Viviane Viegas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - PPGEPS UNISINOS

Doutora em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento pela UFSC. Professora e pesquisadora no Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Áreas de pesquisa: Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental e à Saúde, Gestão Verde da Cadeia Produtiva, Capital Intelectual.

Caroline Rodrigues Vaz, UFSC

Doutoranda em Engenharia de Produção

Paulo Mauricio Selig, UFSC

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção

Gregorio Varvakis, UFSC

Doutor em Engenharia



How to Cite

Viegas, C. V., Vaz, C. R., Selig, P. M., & Varvakis, G. (2015). The role of relational capital (RC) in green supply chain management (GSCM). Revista Produção Online, 15(3), 980–998.


